~When the top of my head is taken off~
“If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off,
I know that is poetry.” — Emily Dickinson
I know and recognize this moment, accompanied by rapid heartbeat, sky high blood pressure,
palpitating chest, shortness of breath,
the fire of creativity,
and the burning of beauty upon my brain and soul
I have read
I have listened,
I have spoken,
Beautous Words
I have written,
myself a few,
and even though,
The top of my head has been blown off,
It is only to permit the letters of the alphabet
that caused this commotion, to rise heaven~wards~them~words,
so they may float unto you, posthaste,
with all delivered snd deliberate speed,
that sound knocking you to the ground?
that's your white blood cells cheerily welcoming,
even engorging, absorbing now an original part of you,
until such time that it is your turn,
for your head to explode, and pass said letters,
words and alphabets onto
10 Mars 25