How lo, a black-capped chick'-dee's call frae thence (Sweet mem'ries) lilts as I walk down the trail In foreign wastes where such joys rarely hail, Aye haunts the twa blocks to my car, a sense Of former games in tow, likeas defense, Til I recall years 'go when t'would avail My soul sae close at hand, where that detail Of apricot trees and home were all. Whence? Forsooth. I swear I saw him day 'fore, were They nigh likeas the sparrows, sitting, too, In silence in the naked bush in tour Outside my bedroom window. If that's true, What should I know, oh LORD? The mem'ry'd stir But I can't find that diary page. Where to???
I swore it was posted here, but I've not located it yet.