Three lanes of heavy traffic, racing thence Whenas a gap appears, get home t'avail Ere dawn, and sleep twas hours likeas sheer bail Upon the couch, to heat the hash fr'intents With ham on top (yes, protein central hence!), Fry eggs (one frozen!), and make porridge, frail As aught 'scuse, AFTER Barry's with to scale Some shortbread, thankful's easy, like defense. I guess I slept off Wednesday as it were, March tender warmth enough with softest blue Heavns to keep our heat off; the lake winds stir To gentle rippling ducks sail on, a crew Of geese on guard upon the shore, demure? Thy mercies new each morn, LORD, we thank You.
My late mother DID inform me decades before the movie that, " is your color" which might be why I challenged my brothers wearing pink dress shirts but she explained that 80's style away, yet never to my satisfaction.