...I've wanted to for 14 years now. My late father had an anecdote from his college days where his friend's mother called after them: "Eat your banana! It's good for your heart!" and you know about how "an apple a day keeps the doctor away!" right?
Caprese with cherry 'matoes' sweet detail Tops aught I've known before, as if from hence Tis all I ever should use, eh? The sense Of basil fresh thus matched like to avail, What's left to add? Pom avrils for sheer bail Now that is done, the cake is finished, whence? There's mac-n-cheese, beef hot dawgs, and from thence So much more, choc'late ice cream down the trail. Charcut'rie boards I'll pack for third shift's tour, (Go call me selfish will ye?!), ne ado For that detail, bananas, apples fer Our hearts and keeping doc at bay anew, We've oranges, and the list goes on. Bestir Friends online and but tease? LORD, we wait You.