Pretty light skin curly hair brown eyes tough on the exterior but sensitive on the inside. Cool calm and collective and let's you know how it is . Truthful and honest some may take for being negative but she's just keepin it real. Seems happy and smiles on the outside but you can see the pain in those brown eyes. my homie. my friend. I miss how tight we used to be and I fear that you feel like you can't tell anyone anything. But wheneva yah need me just call me I may not pick up on time but I'll always call you back cause I love my youngins and you been there for me and listened to all my stories just want you to know that your loved and have friends to help you thru the good and bad no longer will you have to feel alone . Just know you have friends here to help yah through yah hard times . And remember SMILE O.Rob.
another poem for my friends series. wrote this one last year as well for my friend Miranda. not my favorites but it's ok! I think I'm going to write a new one for her since things have changed...Jazzi as well. ENJOY!