It was made a task to appreciate Beauty; You somehow manage to eclipse the Holy and cast some twisted Shadow on all that passes so very far below victimized, ephemeral you.
You brought out the ******* worst in me but that's okay, I need to experience that to better learn who I am.
Maybe it was as it needed to be, though you sure acted with the grace of a third-world firing squad; the wounds weren't even fatal.
Your memory brings out the worst in me, but what can I say; you're inspirational.
I've never found it so cathartic to be so ******* angry; it can be so **** nice to cry, scream and then collapse and just lie there, numb, in dim, limp elation feeling magnitudes better
You're ******* inspirational.
Sometimes all that's needed is a good "*******" or two, or a million. I apologize for my negative themes; but not for the expression of them.