The water was crystalline and cold I danced with you in a crushing grip and distant disconnection.
I held on to you— in an illusory intimacy, and deafening silence, in the moments of fulfillment, in the endless hours of isolation.
It was my first dance— chosen with open eyes. Youth tames wild rivers, but the swirling depths take away strength, naivety, and wonder.
I persisted in stubbornness for years, suspended between the worlds— like a stone swallowed by a waterfall at first, looking into an icy void then into the warm sun, convincing myself I could heal something, never having been whole.
Uncertain of what was much closer to me— my persistence or my yearning for what would never come to be.
Then the river tore me from the shore carried me far away.
Did I ever have a choice?
The hardest thing is to say goodbye to what was never real.
This dance by the waterfall’s edge will remain the only dance of my life. I know I don’t want to be trapped in the cold waters rushing toward the abyss.