There's always a beginning There'll always be an end And no matter how you play your cards You won't see round the bend. For tomorrow is another day The morning sun will shine And the layer of potentialities Set forth for yours and mine.
In looking back a long time A little boy in jeans, Check shirt on a pushbike Amid the in betweens. Nothing really mattered, Each day came and went and before the realization dawned The infancy was spent.
Mother died of cancer The agony in eyes Just 43 years of age In alcoholic lies. The Old Man was likewise Collapsing in my arms He passed away at 43. Evaporated charms.
Adolescence came and went Forced to join the race Of madness in the unknown The world's a violent place. Decision ****** upon in spades Cut and ****** in life It's Papua or Vietnam Instead, I took a wife .
Disaster in the making A sidestep in the way I left the complication there And coldly strode away. Changed the whole complexion Altered how it planned Ended up with knapsack on Afresh in New Zealand.
Strangely how it re-aligns The order falls in place Confusion dissipates to let What clear defined, creates. Somewhere I turned the corner Took it all in hand Built an actuality Of promise in this land.
Pride and hard ambition, defy the odds and graft. Visualize a rainbow From inspiration's craft. Build it with your own two hands With sweat upon your brow And know, within your very depth You're on the right path now.
Lady luck was with me Somewhere along the way I found myself a sweetheart In chance creation's way Then ragamuffin boychilds Scrapping on the rug, Engendered that which matters In life's eternal shrug.
You touch upon the beauty You taste the honeyed wine, You walk on fields of flowers In the nectar of your time. Tenderness and kindness Essential to the mix Should you wish to be of value In the blended world you fix.
Some you win, some you lose Sometimes you just laugh For as the years meander There's humor in the task.... And a gentle satisfaction In the way it all pans through And at my eighty year reflection I'm gunna throw a smile at you.
Eighty years, gone in a flash. Wouldn't have wanted it any other way though!