Are u playing with me? Because whenever i turn over and see your direction Your already looking at me like we have some sort of connection But if i see you in the hallway with your friends That connection somehow ends
How do u really feel? Do u really want something real? I mean your texts tell me one thing But is this just gonna be a summer fling? Sometimes i can't even tell you really want me Because when your with others u say “ who is she” Like if u didnt know who i am And i'm over here like “****” U know it hurts Feeling like you're dragging me in the dirt
At this point im blocking u Im sure u would have no clue Learning to move on is hard Especially since u left me scarred But i guess this is life Even tho it feels like u stabbed me with a knife
I'm not getting revenge I'll just sit over at our bench Reminiscing from when i thought u actually cared At this point i think u just got dared But i'm over it Were officially split I hate how u actually did play with me