It would've been our 1 year today But I ended it in May I still don't understand why u lied And when i confronted u u still denied
that u didnt do anything What happened to giving me the “ring” I guess this is what I get for trusting u again Was I really that naive then?
I don’t think its fair I thought u actually cared And the thing is i knew that what u promised me wasn't true But i gave u the benefit of the doubt And now all I wanna do is shout
I dont hate u but im still mad I havent seen u in months and i'm glad Because i know i would say something What u did to me felt like a bee sting
I wish i never met u And what i went through I will never forget I remember how upset I was on May 29 But u seemed fine
I still remember the look on your face I know the exact place But u probably don't even remember What happened in december It would've been our 1 year today But i had to end it in May