The young sorceress Baltra observed the stars above. She and her old friend Killian together discover something in the constellation Oscillain, The star dragon.
" The Oscillain constellation has gained a star at the left-wing center mount. It does not belong there." Baltra spoke from the observatory "Gaze heavenward" on the island of Cimsoc. She has been there a year learning about the sky and all its wonderful mysteries. The observatory was built on an island where the sky seems to present itself the best. The darkness there made star watching a beautiful dream come true. " You're correct Baltra. That star was not indeed there nor am I seeing it in any of the star legends." Killian was an old Star watcher and a great creator of maps. Using the sky above he was able to create maps and plot out directions for lost ships at sea as well as people lost on land. " Killian there is a strange light pattern and sequence the new star is emitting." The new star begins to flicker and channel new colors of light. Killian looked in awe at the star trying to ascertain if it was a star at all.
Killian eyes so focused on the sky where interrupted by his ears that heard something in the surrounding beautiful darkness that star watchers loved so much. He then turned to Baltra to warn her whom already heard the sound herself and held her staff high.
" Luminis Sados!!" Baltra's staff lit up like a bright moon revealing the horde of undead skull warriors. Their eyes began to glow a dead verdant followed by howls and moans as they advanced forward.