Today as I was walking home it started to Rain. And all I could think about Was looking up at you (You’d stuck out Like a sore thumb) as the rain came Down on us; I was just saying the same Things over and over “just take Out your umbrella, bodoh” But your ego Would break You didn't and so We stood there at the traffic light Waiting for the green man So we Could get to the MRT Station as planned. I'd been right. The umbrella was indeed Exactly what we had need ed. And so we ended up quite Wet by the time we got underground. But I didn't run today. I guess there wasn't much to go around But still it was what I should have done. Take it from me when I say Walking alone in the rain is not very fun.
and unfortunately now we dont get the chance to even walk together much because you have a life of your own. good for you. you deserved better friends.