As the gramophone in the corner spins Stravinsky i lie wake in a puddle of my own *****. I can wash off the smell of pubs and whiskey but can never run away from it.
As the devil drags me again by my hand to the tear-stained paper at my old table, i could tell you that I'm keeping my mouth dry but you wouldn't believe this fable.
It'd be just not to trust it, there is reason, for a man who had tried drinking away pain is a man who'd succumbed to a bottle before and a man who will do it again.
one eye so nearsighted that i can't see tomorrow/ the other so farsighted i can't see today.
As i am writing this i am drinking my poison cold, counting on gray hair all the years that are gone
liquor and love are the poor man's gold and a man's wealth - dying loving or dying loved.
I don't remember if it was happiness or of thereof lack but the jack in the box looks now like a box of jack