There's a blockage in my creativity pipe. There's some potential I haven't tapped into yet, I read old pieces and wonder where is that inspiration? I'd hate to think it's because I'm over the fact you left. Why am I only able to create when my heart doesn't function how it should? The words are falling out of my head I wish they would fall onto the page. I used to be all the 3 "I's" in imagination Originality ran through my blood I could mold my pain into something so delicate. I touched people's soul with a simple sentence. And now I can't even create something I'm mildly okay with. There's no endearment to kiss on letters. Nothing to set my eyes on. I guess alterations had to be made. There's a blockage somewhere inside of me. A change is coming. This is more than a simple poem. When you feel this lost, you are bound to find what your soul is searching for.
everything feels weird, derealization is a understatement.