A pleasant surprise greeted the start of my morning today.
In the most pleasant way, I find myself sitting on a bench by the quay, alone, soaking up the winter sun.
As people pass by single and in groups, walking and talking, some on a Saturday morning run, my face is warmed by the winter sun.
With three children and six grandchildren and another one on the way my life is a wonderful, chaotic, mess at times.
A house full of children, bringing laughter, hugs, books, school pick ups, parks and bedtimes.
Today I enjoy my alone time, the peace and tranquillity, invaluable for a short while.
It is late winter, but the warmth hits your face, and your lips twitch and stretch, flexing involuntarily into a smile.
You take in a breath and feel your body warm from the outside to within.
The sensation akin to a gentle touch on your skin.
The reaction coaxed out of you by something so simple, the feeling of the sun’s warm rays.
It is a wonderful, unexpected start to the day.
I took my husband to the chiro yesterday and found myself with about 30mins and nothing to do. The chiro is down by the quay in Exeter and it was a beautiful warm, sunny day and a real treat to just sit and enjoy.