Many people claim God isn’t real yet continue to speak, “If it is in God’s will.”
Many people claim God isn’t real yet will pray, “God have mercy.”
Many people claim God isn’t real but continue to recite scripture in His name.
I wonder if they do this on purpose, or if part of them still believes.
Maybe religion treated them wrong, gave them no alternative but to leave.
I don’t blame them. It’s hard to feel alienated in a supposedly “open community.”
Or maybe they’re in denial, afraid of a higher authority. Perhaps they know they haven’t been good, that deep down, they never fit the Christian standard.
But as much as they say they don’t believe—
we will beg on our deathbed to get into a heaven we do not believe in, as we are all just contradictions within ourselves.
It might be regret, survival, logic.
But in those final minutes, you’ll pray to a God you deny because no matter how you try, you cannot accept your own nature