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Feb 18
Miriam Webster’s
Thesaurus Dictionary
I am discretionary
Quite contrary

My thought process
Works in circles
Often called out
for non sequitur

How do I stay
In the moment
a brief component

While many people
Are lineal thinkers
Relying only on the fact
My train is on a different track

I take the long way back
The scenic route
Often talking in circles
yet always having a point in mind
Even when it’s not easily understood
My response valid value still good

An example
that pertains to the subject at hand
Even if the example isn't grand
Off topic may not be the best plan
But it proves my point
Yet picky people
Nose out
of joint

Tongue tied
Wrong words tried
Brain fried

Flowery word mountains, I climb
my lexicon expanding in time
Segue without interruption
Empirical, thinking corruption

Using the first word
I can find
A thoughtless word
section grind
Sounded fine in my mind

What was the subject again ?

Have you ever
While speaking
lost your train of thought
mid sentence?

Have you ever
had something on the
tip of your tongue then
a moment later it’s gone.?

Have you ever
sang every word to a song
And forget the Artist and Title?

Have you ever
walked into a room and
not remember why you’re there?

Have you ever
spoke for an hour to a friend
And not remember their name?

My perfect example of non sequitur
There was a point I promise 🤔🤫

Inspired song
Will it Go Round in Circles
By Billy Preston 1973
BLT Webster’s Word of the day challenge
2-16-25 non sequitur
a statement that either does not logically follow form or not clearly related to what was previously said.
2-17-25 PERTAIN
to pertain something or someone is to relate, refer or have a connection to that person or a thing
Written by
CJ Sutherland  63/U.S
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