Voices of accomplishment and establishment Legacy of wisdom Challenges through opposition Determined in recognition Fulfillment their guarantee Encouragement for us in the present day Spoken words of be committed, and not estray Knowledge theory Fear is power teaching strength One doesn’t know unless one tries Draw the tears from your eyes
Understanding and be wise Our Black Brothers and Sisters understood We must relish under our own should Involve and represent There is no past tense History becomes our history Story within stories to come Victory proved Once upon a time A world that wasn’t kind Prove to yourself Don’t be fooled by anybody else Be who you are, and was meant to be You are the realize, and the one who can energize Propel and soar into your horizon and destiny
Marvel Legacy voices speak for themselves They had value and so do we Those many voices today and well into tomorrow Their motto, “Stand on purpose, and contribute to your own cause” Will can show you the way Stepping stone your get way Our Black Forefathers will be watching Achieve and don’t be deceived Imagine the wonder and be confident while thinking yonder.