I am an idea A ***** I am a construct (That you people are dependent on)
I am an imaginary, non-physical, number on a screen I am a piece of paper A card A circular piece of copper That is often the determining factor Between life and death; Survival in this cruel world
There are ones with much of me And lucky ones they are They have access to services And being treated with the common needs that should come with being here And being alive
And there are some that are unlucky And lack me They live hard lives working and tiring Even though I don't exist Who will tell them That this should be pointless?
I can be stolen Inherited Hoarded And broken
I am manipulated like a game No one enjoys to play me
I'm supposed to measure What someone's labor is worth But I don't
Factors slip by me Such as garbage men Almost the same as doctors Being needed in society
I breed selfishness And greed There are so many families I do not feed
I make you feel trapped and worthless I am cause for death I should be abolished
What am I?
Money should be abolished. Mixed feelings on this, it's not very poetic--but it is something I strongly believe in. I am open to different opinions and perspectives!