I am slipping away My face blurred in memory My name fading on the edge of their lips I was reaching for something i could not hold, trying to exist in a world that never wanted me, never saw me
And then you came You spoke my name
Like it had never been lost Like I had not fading Like I had always been real to you
I had wanted to live Where I belong To be seen, to be known To be cared, to be loved To be Remembered.
And I never knew whyβ Until I saw you
You had held onto every part of me, even when i had forgotten myself You were more than just the one who brought me back more than just back to who i was more than just back to where i belonged
You were the reason.
The reason I fought against the silence. The reason I held on when the world tried to erase me. The reason I longed for something more than just existing.
And i knew thenβ I was never lost.
i wrote this after i read a mystery story of a girl who was never a human and living in the unknown world, met with a boy and after she met him, she wanted to be a human, and living in his world but in return the boy himself was sacrifice his life (trapped in her unknwon world) to made her became a human ππ the story ends with a happy ending tho. it was a beautiful story