Ineffable- "too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.”
Trying to find my way to you, But I keep getting lost in your eyes Before you go I wave to ya Staring at your lips, then mine I know I should say something But my head is running in circles, overthinking- my words, my thoughts, The way that I walk If I should mention the 2 birds in the sky, Flying high and free Just like you and me. Do I try to hold your hand? I’m trying to understand what to do. What to do..
“And when you walk down the hallway and I blush Your so confident, I’m shy and sometimes too much How could we work out with my head in the clouds..?”
Oh, I think I said that aloud..
..And you smiled
I’ve been feeling a certain way about someone, and every time I try to speak I keep holding myself back because I think I’ll mess up somehow.. Tomorrow is a new day, and I hope I can finally tell her how I feel.