Every slave must abide by its master. The bitterness of carrying out any action that will benefit others. There’s no shame in not having choices but there is in not having doubts. Far beyond an ultimate freedom, an excuse for an absence of self, there is life overpowering reason, and a reason overpowering death. Being found in a state of despair, stripped of respect to the bone, a necessity more needed than air to a slave – is a slave of its own.
Every slave must abide by its master.
Kneeling before what is stronger or standing before what is weak, is a future that cannot be wronger or a past that could not be more bleak. Far beyond understanding and meaning, there is craving devouring men, be it owning or knowing, or being, it is always a mark of the end. The imminent burden of pain perishes as soon as you delve into waters that can wash you away. Every slave is a slave to himself.