Echoes of the past, kept as pets in a starving box. Glued together wholly, no room for novel space. A spider’s string stuck to my back, each step forward the weight of a monstrous myth; The corpse of time, dragging itself forward.
Luminous space infiltrated by jested thoughts, its rebellious attitude only cuts deeper. The enemy of my thoughts - who am I to fight? The I, a mysterious letter; a single stroke Yet with such might beneath the ink Lies refuge from the one who questions:
who dares return to the poisoned well? why am I to pay for the sins of an innocent child? why am I burdened to unwind the ties of a knotted self?
My life’s purpose decorates a fated room, A refuge for those who must forget. Let the past’s echoes stay buried— silence the instrument, and hear. A pleasurable pain I ache to claim at once.
Be a snake who sheds its cancerous skin, or the corpse of the soldier who fought: Nevertheless, let pain not be in vain.