I’m always a time checker, Looking at my watch to see the time.
Questioning what’s coming up? Looking always to see if im behind.
I hate to ever show up late to things, But never like to be to early.
The countdown is always on , Waiting for the end of the day for me.
Always Checking how much time I have left before I go to sleep, Until it’s time to wake. So I can be awake and refreshed.
And take on another crazy day. These crazy things I think about! This silly thing called time.
Isn’t so silly when it goes to fast, or seems to go to slow. I hate spending so much time alone,
I love to be around the ones I love. So maybe I can take a break from being a time checker and spend more time just going with the flow.
Because there is one thing that’s for sure, time’s a precious thing, So with me always checking time, I’m just pushing away this beautiful life of mine.