Came in like a roaring lion Let loose like a hurricane There's no denying that we are finding The Orange Man is at it again
Doing his best to fulfill promises One illegal immigrant at a time Don't worry Canada, he won't forget The 51st State is at the top of his mind
Swimming shark infested Gulf waters of Oops...I almost said Mexico When it comes to a name, that can be easily changed Hey, don't you know when you've got plenty of doe
The Art Of The Deal is getting rid of the deal Removing the New color Green Showing them to the door as he cuts the cord With the *****'s in Gay Paree
The Talking Heads are spinning their best As they all foam at the mouth Does this party come with catering Or do we need to order out
All the rich seem to be jumping ship As they bow down to the right side Soon enough there won't be any left To hold hands as they break down and cry
What's next on the agenda you ask? How hard of a slap in the face Let us know when you're tired of winning all of it back Hollywood's always here with a plan of escape
The Orange Man with his plans is on a roll Rocking all over this town From Coast to Coast around the Globe Not everyone is up with what he's putting down
But you have to admit it's a refreshing turn around From the clowns that just high tailed it out of town...