By any other color My green eyes pierce Into the soul of my love Like the Jade Stone
The scent of bamboo the soft murmur of the pond Midnight Blooms A love blossoms as morning looms
My dragon sees me Drawn to me as I am drawn to her She is protective and kind She coils around me, a gentle embrace
My soul and hers A yin yang Of white and green jade A unity of prosperity and love
Two parts as one Stone is stone Hues compliment The stone ring, a bond unbreakable
In the root of Asian culture, Jade is a sacred material. To me, it represents a spiritual connection to the culture, and my love. Mostly it is the iconography representing Unity, Harmony, Balance, Eternity, and Inifnity, all together as wholess and completeness. All things that solidify this feeling and bond I have for this woman I love.