This may seem possessive but you’re mine, I want, need, and value you, not just body, but mind as well, you are fundamental.
When I’m not there, I want a moment in time when you sort through the memories of me and use your imagination to create the infinite possibilities of how I reinforce every beautiful thing about you and be sentimental.
No one is perfect, we all have our losses, and we all fall. When uncertain, I can only hope you know how much I believe in you, to the point where I give you that look, you smile.
I want to be a catalyst for your self-discovery. Give me your body and mind, rest assured this will be secured with my life, confide. I want to experience you liberated and lost inside, let your spirit run wild.
I’m the mystery that discovered and played with every aspect of you for your benefit. It’s a sense of its own, best described as living in suspense.
Just know, that this bond is beyond imagination and reality, it’s inconceivable, and it’ll never make sense.