Seen her born after three days of trying and wrapped in a warm blanket with just her little face poking out.
Seen the elation in her face when she realized she had walked from her mother to me for the first time without her toy shopping cart in front of her for support
Seen her first day nursery school of kindergarten of new schools in a new town of High School of College
Seen her stoically sitting in my mother's chair in the living room of the house where I had grown up saying goodbye to her grandmother for one last time
Seen her arrive home with a learner's permit then with a driver's license and later leave the driveway in grandma's green Subaru her's now.
Seen her grow for 18 years but tonight sitting across the table at a packed restaurant with lousy parking in Ithaca New York I saw and heard a grown-up for the first time and with that the little girl with the toy shopping cart was gone.