[having just watched a "crime" video where a foolish driver threw a drink at a former military man and lost her life in the next instant thanks to basic training, guess what happened to me?!]Now I've actually had a drink thrown at MY head while driving. What gives?!
How Joe Hisaishi's strains waltz like t'avail Now through mine head, yet which? "My Neighbor [thence Erm]Tot'ro" ist? Because they played that, whence? Oh, Thursday.Β Β Cheerful notes dance gaily, hale In sweetness 'spite the TV, that detail We cherish like a private joy which'd hence Enlighten duller moments by its sense, If only we'd hear Thy voice, Who'd ne'er fail. Put on the Scriptures in my pocket fer Recure, as how the final hour the teasing crew Half seem to have a problem. I'll as t'were Escape whileas they mull just what to do, If Thou will, LORD, yet oh! how troubles* stir For me once back in town. Save me, won't You?
There's nothing like happier tunes lilting through your head when work seems like a very drag, is there? And why are people buying drinks to throw them at fellow motorists? That shook me.