Tis Jan'ry fifth, and fin'lly I've fr'intents Had shortbread with my cuppa Barry's, hale In proper Sco'ish fashion is't? T'avail Gave me perspective--nary milk for sense, I tasted tea as aught like tis defense, And I am thankful. Cheer'os that detail For Sunday breakfast I maunt miss in frail 'Scuse, cottage cheese with't, craft up pizza thence. Then Cynth'ya calls and we talk like as t'were Six hours can't ruin our friendship; others too Come by and hang out for a spell in tour Til nightfall, then wash dishes like t'will do, As lo, a day off is a mercy. LORD bestir In us to serve Thee, faithful in all: You.
And then ended up with more off hours than I wanted, but I daresay I needed it thanks to what followed.