I’m tracing back to moments I’ve replayed a thousand times,
It’s just a confusing tone Have the doubts and hatred grown too overblown Has my perception been ruined on the lies we condone, On the fleeting pleasure of a throne
Stop and wait a sec When ten years from now, I look at myself, will I express regret Do the failures of youth dictate the path we expect, Or does a stumble define what’s next
An adult all alone, With nothing to do, he spends his time scrolling through his phone, With no one to call his own.
But being alone is no cause for shame Sometimes the right person just never came It’s not a failure or flaw it's not a crack in the frame, Just a life unfolding at its own pace
Though frightened by the thought, But what do you expect when you yourself have brought A life where the cracks are easier to see than the whole That if I’ve let myself be caught, What if I grow into someone I no longer know But perhaps the cracks bring light, A fragile hope that cuts through nights
It seems like all the years are wasted, but who is there to blame Hope is a thing that just makes me feel like ache What is there to be hopeful of when all I see is pain And I’d leave, if what was waiting for me wasn’t flames
And it’s all just in my chest A disease that forbids me from going to rest Lord, forgive me for where I’ve strayed, If I’m still in your grace, let my soul not fade You’re the only one who knows my path I’m here by your will, not by chance or wrath Just don’t take my eyes from my head too soon Let me see the sun, even in this darkened room.