The Master of Chaos sat alone on top of his almost invisible throne and looked out into the dark and saw that nothing could be seen at all
He said to himself, 'I'll make a light, and put an end to this horrid night.' as he sat there in his muted fright, not knowing what was wrong or right
He flicked his finger; a flame flickered and flashed and formed a faint figure in the infinite abyss But he looked and saw still nothing at all the darkness stood an impenetrable wall
Now at this time his anger grew In place of the terror that he knew As into the flame he spat and cursed 'How could my lot be any worse?'
A speck of his spittle then sputtered and sparked And for a short moment a bubble there arced In midst of that moment the Master thought quick 'To place all my power this point I will pick!'
Now pinpricks of light in the bubble appeared And at their minuteness the Master then jeered But one of those pinpricks the Master gave birth Was an almost invisible one we call Earth
And onto its surface, as if as a joke Some self-moving somethings to being he spoke On one race of somethings he blasted his breath But showed them no notion of darkness or death
Their ignorant bliss would not have long to live As the Master was happy a dilemma to give 'Ignore your incorrigible longing to know Or soon into darkness your heart I will throw!'
These somethings could not help their curiousness And soon brought an end to their innocent bliss They looked on the Master; in horror recoiled And from that time forward in terror they toiled
In spite of this, certain determined to show Their thanks to the place whence creation did flow 'The Master-- He made us. We owe Him our all.' And so on the name of the Master they call
Now one such, a brother, got gifts from above In contrast, the other heard nothing of love In the depths of his being resentfulness grew And soon into darkness his brother he threw
The boy's broken body returned to the Earth And then did the living remember their worth But the Master saw fit to deliver a curse 'For who kills the killer, it's seven times worse!'
But a spark of naivety still wasn't quenched Even while all the old had their souls from them wrenched And though many people just followed their will A few kept their view of a duty to fill
Time passing, the Master elected one man To shoulder the burden of Life in his hand 'You're special. I choose you. Complete now this task. Your family will be sole survivers at last'
'Now thus I command thee: construct a great Box And I'll bring you each beast, from the ant to the ox The Box will be shelter for two of each kind In performing this promise leave not one behind!'
The whole population soon started to ask At the purpose and point of this puzzling task But finding no answer they started to jeer Not aware of the fate that was drawing so near
The Box was completed, the Chosen inside Along with the beasts that had come to reside And now that the plan had been put all to use The Master was ready his hatred to loose
The Master broke open the fountains on high And the wells of the Earth overflowed to the sky These terrible torrents fast flowing like tears Erased all the faithless, their hopes and their fears
But the Chosen were safe in the place that He gave Even while all the others were sent to the grave The Box remained buoyant for many a week Till at last the Box landed upon a tall peak
The Master, now sated, declared to them thus: 'I never again shall devour with such lust To each of all people who call on my Name I'll lend preservation in spite of their shame'
A new generation now came to arise That as they grew great grew exceedingly wise They said to themselves, 'Let us build us a tower And none shall compare to our glory and power'
The tower they built soon grew stunningly high As the people then strove to reach even the sky But the Master grew weary of this hubris of man And as was His habit, He schemed a new plan
All people till now had had only one speech That would grant understanding to learn and to teach Thus people were able to work and create With clear understanding to cooperate
The Master decided confusion to sow And quickly construction then started to slow Words became strange, understanding was gone And with it ability to all get along
The people were fractured. They couldn't agree And factions then found it expedient to flee From then on the people began to spread out And make their own places to worry about
Now the Master saw fit to commit to a choice To limit the living who witness His voice And even the Chosen, of which there were few To each He provided a separate view
But still in each part He was greatly extolled And tales of His terrible doings were told Destruction of cities; Affliction of men The only beginning; The ultimate end