Hate me. Like every word I've uttered has cursed your name. Every laugh has been at your expense. Every smile a plot against you. Even before I met you I want you to hate me. My life has led to you. And now we're sitting in a room While you're silently seething, burning With this awkward attempt at che sera, at live and let live, At Apathy. You know how I hate that. I told you to hate me! Do so! In the grandest display of passionate fury to be trapped inside of these four walls. Make your words fly like daggers towards my very life And blaze and scorch the very skin I use for protection. Throw me to the wall with a growl in your voice that makes everything inside of me Tremble. And I will disappear. I have patiently waited for your hatred. Since you first looked into my eyes and told me. So long as the sun rises and sets I will continue to wait. So just hate me loudly already.