Trucks and dinosaurs scatter the floor, Echoes of laughter I desperately adore With pockets turned inside out, I stand Wondering how to provide, how to expand
Grocery bills climb like Jack's magic bean, Shoes outgrown before they're even seen His eyes bright with needs I long to fulfill, Each month a juggle, each paycheck a skill
Patches on jeans, hand-me-down shirts, Trying to hide the financial hurts One more snack, one more toy he might desire While I count pennies near the dwindling fire
But love doesn't cost a thing, I remind myself tight His smile worth more than any monetary might These boy-sized dreams in my worn-out arms, Richer than money, safer than harm
Resourceful and strong, a mother's true art Stretching each dollar with my loving heart Though struggles are real and the path seems so narrow, My son is my treasure, my hope, my sparrow