I sit in the audience, Watching still as the choirs sing. I hope that you’re here, But deep down I know you won’t be. You never are. But you always apologize to me, And even if I’m angry I will accept it. Because your apologies are so good. And I don’t want you to walk away, So my tears are now silver stones, That lay deep in my throat, And slip out at night when I cry. But at morning I will pick myself up, I will be strong, Because I fear that you won’t love me if you see my faults. I am quiet, Because every word is a risk. I fear that when I speak, You’ll grow tired of me and then you’ll leave. So I act like a ghost, Because you can’t hurt a ghost. And nothing should hurt me. Life is all just a game, That I am losing. So if you come you come to play, Though I want to hold you, It won't happen today.
"Gioco Di Cuore" roughly translates to 'Game of Heart' in Italian. I think Italian is such a beautiful langue, I'm always trying to learn more.