I see her dismal existence. I see her eyes scream, 'why me?'.
Two people who raised her, two people who loved her the most, two people who took their own life. The father left early, she mourned and moved on. As her heart and soul grew old so did the bond with her mother. Maybe it's after I came into the picture, she truly understood the veiled weight of motherhood. Confined within her marital vows, she still lives content knowing that there is one other person who truly understands her. Warped, the world must've seemed as she was pulled apart from that sense of relief. As her mother left, I watched mine teeter on the edge of a meaningless pit. As the seasons moves on, we hoped she would too. But she is haunted by what could've been. Unlike all the other sorrows she has overcome this one is too much. This one is heavier and much crueler.
I wish I could mend her forlorn soul. but I slowly discern, all I could ever do is listen.