a hermit well to the bone--dressed like a beast in the birthright of elements. lies four times removed from breath, with his back on a stream. puddied face wrinkled like a treestump, frizz-bale beard, a kingdom's expendable. stiffly resolute with communions of sunless light, all he let live--lives him hereafter. untouched by the temporal, the long of his lay will be discovered during the long of his lay. a whistling wodnesse will come like Ariadne's thread from castle walls, Boschians will leave no sympathy card from the blazes. the hermit will have simply been a feature of the landscape. if want was a thing at all for him, it was to be as it is. his decomposition will be as his favorite verses, revisited while coming away with newer & deeper meaning. a holy pandemonium in a most unlikely place--a bird for every other bird that passes it on.