Walk with me into my brothers room To where the cheap piano stood Feel the scratchy carpet underneath your feet And the keys under your fingers as you touch them gently Remember your frustration that it lives in his room And not yours For you're the only person who touches its chords
Walk with me into the darkness outdoors To where I walked the dog out among the stars Feel your feet within the shoes you begged and cried for because boys shoes were cheaper And the leash within your hand The pain when he would tug and pull and the leash would drag and burn Remember your anguish as you begged to walk him only once a day Or maybe for less hours For your ankle was broke and torn and walking left you powerless
Walk with me into my room To where you had no door among little privacy Feel your feet carry you across the hardwood floor And your fingers grasping the standing closet door Remember how unsafe you felt as you crawl inside Lock yourself whithin its grasp as you beg for it to hold you safe some more For this was your only private space And you could lock it from indoors