Sally was a sailor Who sailed the kool-aid sea On the sweet treat boat she carved From a lollipop tree.
Jack was just a wanderer As lost as one could be But hope sparked somewhere deep inside When he saw Sally approaching his beach.
Sally tossed out her gum drop anchor As she readied herself for shore She saw in Jack the thing she lacked The treasure she'd been searching for.
Sally wasn't looking at His butterscotch toned tan But rather what had lied inside; The sweet makings of a man.
As they walked along the beach Between candy castles of sugar sand He took golden pearls from the glowing sea And placed on her neck a strand.
A blush rushed to her cheeks And a grin to his own He said "I have something to say." "This whole journey I've spent not knowing of you, yet I've thought of you The whole way."
They sat together on the shore Gazing at the candy apple sunset Knowing they needed nothing more than this love they had found, forever to last...
Collaboration featuring Mike Hauser :) It was fun working with you, Mike!