I see spots lots of spots like blots of ink which makes me think my pen has leaked but it has not, where did those spots that look like blots come from?
I know that as spots grow they blot out all the sun,quite sad, Does that mean that I should clean blots as I spot them? or should I leave them there to spread and being led right up the path towards the garden gate and having fed on salad would I write a ballad to a blot that I had spotted or attend a rite to a blot that got wiped out, I can spot one more a polka dot of a spot like a blot but I got it,the question is, should I keep it or let it seep away. would it blot my copybook if I took one tiny blot to a tiny spot I know to watch it grow. I expect it would someone would spot me with a blot and dob me in.