BEAUTIFUL SCARS are IMPERFECTIONS, REFLECTING FIGHT and HURTS, showing a STORY OF HEALING. When you look at your BATTLE SCARS, where you been, and who you are, You find your UNIQUE and SPECIAL, a BEAUTIFUL SHOOTING STAR, Your SCARS DEPICTS, Your JOURNEY, For, you have COME VERY FAR. You may have SCARS, From the HURTS of the PAST, but You CONQUERED THEM ALL NO, THEY DID NOT LAST, Your SCARS SHOWS BEAUTY DESPITE the TRAUMA, of ALL that you WENT THROUGH, INCLUDING the DRAMA. It's all BEHIND you NO, TURNING BACK NOW, move FORWARD with your LIFE, STAND OUT and BE PROUD!!!! JUST GIVE GOD THE GLORY, For, your BATTLE SCARS tell your STORY!!!!