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Ryan O'Leary
Nov 2024
--------This Is The Long Answer------
. M S M
Mono Sanitised Media
I am frequently asked, Ryan, what is your news source,
you have a very different interpretation of world affairs
than the majority of people? Before I delve into replying
first I feel it necessary to let you know that I am and have
been a (organic) vegetarian for almost forty years now.
Perhaps you are wondering what this has to do with my
daily diet of political commentary and current international
affairs. Well, right now this minute 17:42 pm 10/11/2024
I am house minding in Bourn Cambridgeshire. There is a
local shop, but it is not organic, so, I go by bus twice each
week to Cambridge where there is an organic store and
also bio-bread, I like sourdough brown heavy bread, not
the anaemic sliced impersonated supermarket *******.
We are getting close to an answer now, bear with me SVP.
When I was living in Mallow County Cork, I went twice a
week to Cork city by bus or train (30 minutes) to buy my
groceries at Quay Co-Op which is an organic city store.
Incidentally, Cambridge is 30 minutes from Bourn also.
Ok, here we go. Just as there is nothing in supermarkets
for me ( with the exception of toilet paper ) I can say the
same about Main Street Media. I am now going to give
you a shopping list of my media preferences. But do be
aware, just as I have to put a ruck sack on my back and
go search for organic produce, the same applies to these
names I am about to give you.
Democracy Now
Eoin Jones
John Meirsheimer
New Atlas
Dialogue Works
Max Blumenthal
Middle East Eye
Kernow Damo
Through The Eyes Of
Scott Ritter
Colonel Douglas MacGregor
Norman Finkelstein
Noam Chomsky
Chris Hedges
Judge Napolitano
George Galloway
Ezra Levant (Rebel News)
Eva Bartlet (Electronic Intifada)
I can tell a MSM person in 30 seconds of meeting one and in
case you happen to not know what MSM actually is, then you
will never comprehend why non pesticide herbicide fungicide
food is so important to me, but do be aware that we are what
we think every bit as much as what we consume. Let me start
you off by asking you to google Eva Bartlet and read what WIKI
has to say abut her, then try M.O.A.T.S. which is well worth
subscribing to, Mother Of All Talk Shows, George Galloway.
Ps x 2
Hopefully this answers your question.
Ps x 3
The only piece of literary value in most
MSM is the date.
Written by
Ryan O'Leary
The Fool
Imran Islam
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