Thanatos--are you standard in your procedure? that is, do you exert the precise force an individual requires to be pronounced dead? are you negligible with some, completely unaware of your strength? leave no dust for dust to come to, as you would the like of: nothing. do you keep the lives you take for yourself--how would that work? you should have been dead the first time, but you didn't die--you took a life & ran with it. you never stop, do you--which's to say you're infinite, that word affordedΒ Β bad poets. the way that looking at checkered shoes feels like the makings of a headache. Thanatos--i suspect you're more than submitted anatomy, you've never once rejected a submission (in the end). nor will you this poem. you are winter here, & i know you see in snow--what about elsewhere? Thanatos--what if i told you that you're somehow a lesser god, subordinate to Gd of thy Gd. i'm yours--but in an unfaithful way. you whose exotic collection of Mahasamadhi is like a cat nap with elevator music.