Like an Autumn leaf That flutters bravely, Free fall Parachuting head first, That’s not how this next chapter will go. Like a rolling wave surrendering to the shore Always beckoning me to quench my broken bones in salted healing seas. You feel so far from this place And yet so near. Hold on to the thought that all is connected. You ,me, the rolling sea and and the falling leaf, Tumbling and coming to a silent holy space within the cosmic realms where I find Tall Oak, Tall Oak I come to pray, Will you listen to the words of one less humble? Tall Oak speaking to the God in you from the God within me. Was life ment to be so strange? So confusing? So full of nothing? Or was the nothing put there for me to fill with life more wanting? To fill with love more knowing ? Or have I passed by you too many times not learning to hear you. Tears fall cascading upon rose tinted cheeks I will leave them to quench your thirst. As you have given me the very oxygen needed to keep me alive, So too have you given me my greatest lessons and my moments of longing are replaced somehow With a new understanding Between Tall Oak,the floating leaf, the rolling seas and you and me I find my truth…
Just open your mind a little and let the words come forth to play ,weave and mingle with all that surrounds us and then poetry will once more dance forth and land where it will.