It’s never been this quiet before. So quiet I can hear my thoughts Arguing loudly in the privacy of my mind. Before that it was the buzzing of my phone From all the notifications you gave me, But other times too it was from the loudness of your voice through texts when you typed in all caps in a heated argument. Other times too, it was just your soft voice Just right next to my left ear, whispering sweet Nothingness that made me feel special. Till I realized you had said the same words to every other girl you have been involved within your past. Then I shrink. I don’t feel special Anymore. I don’t want you next to me, I don’t want to feel second best. Like you said, for me, its either first or nothing. And to you, now I’m nothing. So ill just go where I belong, where I can actually Find mock peace within myself. In the quiet that surrounds me.