When I was younger, I thought I was as mature as a teenager Now in my adolescence, I realize i'm still not as mature as teenager Mature is a state of mind And if the state of my mind is consistently and always scrambled, how can I be as mature as a teenager. When I was younger I wanted to be a teenager The freedom in driving and plethora of friends that I knew I would have. My naivety No one tells you that when you're a teenager, you can be surrounded by people, but still feel like no one gets you. You also don't want to be the angsty teenager So **** it up and b friendly Be popular be cool I don't think my mind or my mouth got the memo Friendly I am But I don't think i've ever hit that cool mark But really, who needs cool when you can overthink your entire existence Ah, being a teenager the best years of your life Really just really soak that in
I think i struggle with the idea that I'm not in 6th grade anymore, that I'm now actually independent. ✨️responsibilities ✨️