I could never sleep through the birds, every morning it was the first thing I heard. They would sing their chaotic songs, greeting each other as the day moved along. They took no notice of people walking and cars didn't bother them, they just kept squawking. I couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard I try. the birds had much to say and they wouldn't be denied. First stop the balcony, to listen to the call to pray it got to where without it I couldn't start my day. Getting ready to go, shoes lined up neatly by the door, because we didn't wear shoes inside on the floor. Finally on to the Little Cafe for çay and pastry I missed the food there, it was always so tasty. I could drink çay (tea) until I floated away. Just sit there and watch the cats as they played. I spent 30 days in Istanbul Türkiye that year with friends that I'll always hold dear. I've fond memories of çay, the birds and the balcony May Allah always continue to bless me.