The *** sat smouldering on the bench, It was cold and quiet. If I didn’t touch it, If I avoided it, If I pretended it did not exist, Then I could continue on by? Then I would fine? But, in that *** lay the source of my potential. Something I over looked. Something that I dismissed out of fear, Out of disgust? Something that I didn’t value. But, when I gave breath to anger, The coals lit up. They glistened like a temptress; Ready for a night on the prowl. She got her opportunity to rise, Steel capped boots on, Cat of ‘nine tails’ in hand. She went on a rampage with righteousness rage. No one could hide. And when she stopped, Nothing was left in her path, Only desolation. Hope seemed lost, But a new life came. Light broke through the darkness, and Quietness and solitude satisfied.
What’s your relationship to anger like? Can anyone do it well?!