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Oct 2013
As I'm writing this
I'm having trouble breathing
I told everyone I've moved on
But why did I still think of you
Every time I'm alone

All I ever need was you
I miss your voice
Your smile
Your awkward silence mystery
How we would actually talk to each other right now
You know ,
Don't you miss the old us ?
Once we used to stay up until 3 am
Just to talk to each other
Telling how our love is forever
I guess I was wrong
I guess I heard it wrong
I miss you

No .
I miss the old you
Then i realized that the old you
has already died
R.I.P Him

I look at you
He looks the same , like you
Then I realized he's not you
Because I know he won't leave me alone
I know he won't let me cry
Want to know why ?
Because he loves me .
Very much
But he's not you

And I need to move on .
But the memories keep tying me up
And whisper to me ' please don't forget'

You broke the promises
I never did
Still remember when you said to me ?
' If you promise to never fade away , i'll stay "
Who's fading now dear ?

Come on , look at my face
Look me in the eyes
Please tell me that you're happy with her
Please tell me that you love her
Please tell me that I am nothing to you
Please make me cry one more time again

So that the next time I get up
I won't be looking at you anymore
I won't be wondering whether you still love me or not
I won't let my dignity falls just because of 'Love'

Please ?
Tell me that you're happy
Tell me that you love her
Please ?

What if you like her , you love me and you need me ?
What if you love her but there's another?
What if you love her , you like me , you feel guilty ?
What if you like her , you like me , you just don't know

And that's why you broke me
And you're going to break her too
But I'm just gonna sit here and stare
For my broken heart to heal
And she needs to be broken too
Like me ...

I'm moving on .
I guess
But I still remember the smell of your perfume
Oh okay I'm moving on now
I'll move on
I will
There's no use to hope and keep staring
At the blank walls and the closed door
I'm moving on
Letting go ,
Move on .
VioletGreue  - ain
Written by
VioletGreue - ain  Poetry-wonder-land
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