In my closet I keep some bodies, killing people is one of my hobbies. I shoot people with my gun, then sell their organs just for fun. I skin their flesh and drain their blood, my back yard is nothing but red mud. Good thing my closet is extra wide, it's the perfect place for them to hide. I also enjoy golf and skiing, I also take in a bit of sightseeing. It helps me find people that don't matter, then their brains, I like to splatter. I fill my closet with plenty of bones, a bunch of people, who were just unknowns. No one even reports them missing, sometimes their skulls I like kissing. As I stalk my next victim, I charm them with my words of wisdom. I treat them like their my best friend, if they only knew, it was all pretend. I take them back to my place, hoping I have enough closet space. Then one night my house got raided, my hopes and dreams suddenly became faded. They locked me up and threw away the key, fifty counts of ****** in the first degree. My sentencing was for me to die, above the prison, my skeleton hangs high.